Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Seeing Jesus

Gospel Reading today John 20:11-18
"Saying this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing, but she did not know that it was Jesus." John 20:14

In today's gospel reading when Mary looked into the tomb, she found two angels sitting there. The angels asked why she was weeping and she told them someone had taken her Lord and she didn't know where to find Him. As she turned around, there Jesus stood. She didn't know it was Jesus. I immediately thought of the times that we don't recognize Jesus in others. We are so busy with are days that we pass by our Lord as we are hurrying out the library with crying kids, in a tizzy at the check out line in the grocery store just desperately trying to get the heck out before a wall-eyed fit begins. As busy moms, we are reminded today to be still and know that God is present in us and in others. I, especially, seem like a frazzled nut case most of the time....just trying to survive another day. I listened to Two Edge talk yesterday while working out (you can download Deacon Tim's message on your IPOD....the messages are fantastic!). He was talking about living in Peace...a much needed message in today's world. He talked about God being present in every single situation. He reminded me to take a deep breath and just enjoy my days mothering children. Jesus is truly present in these precious little ones that we care for every day. He is present in the sweet guy or gal bagging your groceries. He is present in your child's teacher. He is present in the mechanic who changed your tire. He is present in your husband. He is EVERYWHERE, all we have to do is BE PRESENT ourselves. To notice God in the cloudless sky and crisp air during these beautiful days of early spring. To notice Him in the music you listen to, in the dirty faces you wipe, in the eyes of your loving husband. As mothers, if we just embrace the beauty and sanctity of the life given to us, we can help change the world to a world filled with a little more peace. If we become peaceful ourselves, our children will be peaceful. We have so much "pull" in today's society....as much as our world doesn't recognize it. We aren't just mothers, we are leaders.

So today, don't be searching for Jesus. Realize He is right there in your midst. In your home....your Cathedral. How blessed we are as mothers to see the face of Jesus in our husband and children everyday. Carry that same feeling to others....look for Him. He is hiding in everyone around you. Give out a warm smile, a hug, and hi to a stranger....for it might just be the Son of Man who was raised from the dead and now seated at the right hand of our Father in Heaven. Be aware. Be present.

Blessings to you this Tuesday!

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