Friday, February 5, 2010


Gospel reading today 6:14-29
Psalms 119:9-16
"With all my heart I try to serve the Lord....I delight in following your commands more than in having great wealth." Psalms 119:10,14

The gospel reading today is about John the Baptizer's head being served on a platter.....that reading just baffles my mind every time. On a much lighter note, I decided to write the reflection for today on Psalms. Yesterday I had a nice conversation with Father Richard and he reminded me that the greatest work we do is serving our family. He was glad to hear that Clint and I go on dates regularly, for taking care of your marriage should be first and foremost priorty. He also said the best way to grow in holiness is in serving your family. He described how Jesus came into a messy world and He served gladly and died for us willingly. "We were worth saving!" he said with a smile. He said it is in the messiness of family life where the greatest work on earth is accomplished. Through our willingness to serve and to give our lives for our families, we are growing in holiness and paving our pathway as well as our husband and children's pathway to Heaven. There is no more important work than that!

I am also reminded in Psalms today, that in giving our lives for our families, we sometimes have to "give up" worldy pleasures and possessions ....the wealth of the world. But in giving up wealth in the world's eyes, we are gaining the wealth of wisdom and holiness. I would much rather have those two things in the "bank" verses the green paper that will eventually whither away. No wealth on earth measures up to the beautiful sacrifice of a mother laying down her life for her family. Just a sweet reminder today in the mundane of motherhood....

Blessings to you this Friday!

1 comment:

AnneMarie said...

glad you go on dates too ;)