Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Humble Servants of the Family

Gospel Reading today John 17:1-11
First reading today Acts 20:17-27
"I served the Lord in humility through the sorrows and trials that came my way." Acts 20:19

I first want to tell you for those who have emailed me, that my email server is totally messed up and that I can receive emails but can not send out emails. So please forgive me for not responding to you! I have to admit, I haven't minded my email being down and frankly I do not want it fixed any time soon! I enjoy the quietness of my soul without email. I am going to post something that I read this morning. It really spoke to my soul and wanted to share it with all of you. I think it is a much needed message on humility. We don't hear very often, in this noisy world, about the beautiful, God-given fruit of humility. But before I post the excerpt, I wanted to remind you all to read the gospel today. It is about Jesus praying for the disciples to our Heavenly Father. His prayer reminded me of a prayer of a parent for their children. I found the prayer so beautiful and so close to my motherly heart.

Humility and the Spirit: by ONE BREAD ONE BODY, Presentation Ministries
"Paul served the Lord in humility although he was formerly a man filled with arrogance. To be filled with the Spirit, we must be emptied of arrogance; we must be humble. The Lord wants us to humble ourselves by repenting of our sins, apologizing, washing the feet of others by serving them, taking the lowest place instead of seeking satus, exposing ourselves to persecution, turning the other cheek, looking foolish, denying ourselves, etc. When we choose to be humble servants of the Lord, He will exalt us by filling us with the Holy Spirit.

If we refuse to humble ourselves, then the Lord's job will not be to exalt us but to humble us. As He did with Saul, the Lord will love us enough to knock us to the ground and reveal to us our blindness. At this point, we can take the hint from God and do the rest of the humbling ourselves. Otherwise, He'll need to keep humbling us.

Let's repent, obey, submit, and thank God for giving us another chance. Then the Lord's job will no longer be to humble us but to exalt us. He will do this by filling us with the Holy Spirit."

I believe one of the greatest, most humbling experience in life is becoming a mother. For we die to ourself the moment our child is conceived. Take joy in this beautiful gift from God....the fruit of Humility. For Jesus showed this trait when He walked on earth. He did not come to be served as an arrogant King, but He came as a humble, poor carpenter to serve others. Our Blessed Mother was not dressed in the finest clothes and did not dine with the King, she was a humble little peasant girl that worked out in the fields. She road a donkey to Bethlehem. The soon to be Queen- of -Heaven gave birth to our King in a stable full of stinky animals. We have no better example than this. So stop looking around at this arrogant world and what everyone else is doing and look to the Heavens for our greatest teaching of Humility.

Blessings to you all of you humble servants of the family!

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