Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Don't Run and Hide, Mothers!

Gospel reading today John 17:11-19
"....the world dispised them because they do not belong to the world, just as I do not belong to the world. I do not ask you to take them out of the world, but I do ask you to keep them safe from the Evil One. Dedicate them to yourself by means of truth; your word is truth." John 17:14-17

The closer I become to Jesus the more I want to run away from this world. But as much as we want to run away, we can't. For we are to be the light of Jesus. We are to bring Him to this dark world who is consumed with worldy desires and materialism. People are getting further and further away from the truth, which is the word of God. Throughout the gospels, it is clear what we are suppose to do with our lives here on earth. We are to turn away from the ways of the world and follow Jesus. It is so hard to do this because we are ridiculed and judged. However, after time, our light will shine and become warm to the ones in the cold. They will be drawn to the light and yearn for what makes you joyful in your mundane daily duties and simplistic living. We are told over and over that the things of this world will not sustain us. As everyone is chasing materialism....the bigger home the better, the bigger diamond the more power, the nicer car the more respect, etc....this is all foolishness. These are all lies.

This is why we can't run and hide from the world. We are called to be disciples for Christ. He is calling us to stand up for truth and live for the things of Eternity. To be out and about proclaiming the Good News through your devotion to your faith and family. Actions speak louder than words. Being kind to a stranger, serving as a Eucharistic minister, taking a kind and loving thank you note to your child's teacher...these are all proclaiming the Good News by spreading light to others. By being in prayer everyday, this can transform you to the truth and the light. By seeing the work you do as a mother as holy, will help Heaven to start descending upon you. To serve your family joyfully will help you to distingish what is from God and what isn't. To speak to your children lovingly in public (which I need to be better at) will spread God's love to your neighbor down the aisle of the grocery store. So this is a reminder to not to be afraid of this dark world. Don't put a shade over your light and hide away from this world. Stand tall, get out and about and spread God's light to others. THis is what we are called to do as modern day disciples. Teaching our children to be the light for others is also a wonderful way of teaching them to be disciples at an early age.

Blessings to you this Wednesday!

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