Friday, September 4, 2009


"Homes are made by the wisdom of women, but are destroyed by foolishness." Proverbs 14:1

I opened my bible this morning and my eyes went directly to this verse. After reading the Proverbs, it is ever more assuring that we are doing what the Lord has called us women to makers of our homes. The Lord gives us the wisdom to build our home with love and a sure foundation to raise children and take care of our families, but it is the foolishness of the world that destroys the beauty of homemaking. The title "homemaker" is belittled in our world today. "Oh, your just a homemaker?" I can promise you, you are not "just a homemaker" in the Lord's eyes. You are doing what He has called all of us women to do. If our homes are taken care of....nurtured with our love and care, naturally our families are taken care of. When we are in the home feeding our families, doing chores, being "present" to our children and husbands, it is like the Lord's arms are wrapped around our family. The Lord is caring for our families through our care for the home.

What more could we ask for than a vocation that is scriptural? The Lord gave us women the job of making our houses a home. What an honor and privilege it is. In a world that calls women out of the home for more self worth and honor, the Proverbs is a reminder that the world is foolish and the Heavens are wise. Keep up the hard work and the think no one is watching or appreciates all you do, but don't worry, the most important one is watching and He will bless you and your family abundantly for all of your hard work and efforts. For Jesus came to the world to serve, not to be served. What an amazing example we have in Him.

Happy Labor Day Weekend! They need to make a "Labor Day" for mothers!

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