Monday, July 20, 2009

The Lord is my Shepherd

"The Lord is my shepherd; I have everythingI need." Psalms 23

This was the first reading yesterday in Mass. I was reminded as a mother that we are our children's shepherd. Even when they are in the womb, we are their shepherd; however, we don't have to shepherd our children alone. We have The Good Shepherd holding us by the hand and leading us to be the best mother we can be....the mother the Lord has called us to be. We are also reminded in Psalms 23 that we have everything we need through our Shepherd. We have Jesus in the midst of loving and caring for our families, what else do we need? In a world that measures success by how much money you make, what car you drive, the size of your home is nothing but foolish and ignorant. We are reminded that through God's love and the Eucharist, we have everything we need. God's grace is sufficient. Look around your home and your children today and count your blessings, for God has abundantly blessed you and given you everything you need through Him.

Jill let me know friday that the test for her baby came back positive, which is fatal. Please continue to surround Jill and her family in your prayers.

Jill, we love you and we are here for you. You are that precious baby's shepherd. God specificaly chose you to mother her in your womb and rest assure she feels your tender love. We will continue to pray for a miracle and God's Will.
Your Sisters in Christ,
Archangel Moms

1 comment:

ek said...


I am praying that our Gracious God will provide you and your family a peace that surpasses all understanding. Rest in His arms and know that you are wrapped in an everlasting strength and love.

We love you and are praying for you continuously.

Erica Kernan