Thursday, July 23, 2009


First Reading:Psalm:Gospel-
Exodus 19:1-2, 9-11, 16-20Daniel 3:52-56Matthew 13:10-17

It is important that you choose your career with care, so that you may really follow the vocation that God has destined for you. No day should pass without some prayer to this end. Often repeat with St. Paul: "Lord, what will you have me do?"
-- St. John Bosco

Our career as Mothers is truly the most noble, honorable and important career that God could ever call us to. But with this career comes great sacrifices that has eternal rewards. Through giving our lives to our families and forming, shaping and molding these precious souls entrusted to us, we are doing God's greatest work. I heard Father Corapi say just the other day that "the vocation of motherhood is one of the most noble and honorable vocations and we won't truly come to understand this until we are in Heaven." What powerful words!
So whether you balance a career in the workforce as well as your career in the home or soley have a career in the home, it is important for us to keep focused on the things above and not the things of this world. All our children need is our love, comfort and support. Their needs are as simple as that. Let our hands, voices, hearts, ears, feet, mind love our families as Christ loves us.

Have a blessed Thursday!

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