Friday, June 11, 2010

Helping Heaven Find the Lost Sheep One Diaper at a Time!

Gospel Reading Luke 15:3-7
"What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if he has lost one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness, and go after the one which is lost, until he finds it?....Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance."

Our daily actions in Motherhood when lifted up as self giving sacrifices to Heaven can actually be transformed into helping the lost sheep in the world. As we are tucked away inside our homes serving Christ through our family, if offered as a prayer, can change not only the hearts of the ones under our roof, but the entire world.

Last Sunday, I was at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, the very church that was funded and built by my Great Grandparents and Grandparents. The church where the seed of my faith was planted through all of the sacraments, including the sacrament of Marriage to Clint. One of the parishoners there is a beautiful loving mother in her forties who has battled breast cancer and now battling bone cancer. She has two high school boys. She is not asking for much in her life, but to see her boys graduate from High school. She inspires my mom, sister and I to keep life in perspective. As I received Holy communion from her that sunday, tears welled up in my eyes, as I saw Christ through her. You could see Christ's eyes through her humble and loving eyes with each host she presented. I realized that morning, that through her suffering and the cross she is bearing, souls that she doesn't even know are being saved. This is so powerful to me! We have no idea why people suffer and it seems there is more suffering going on now than ever through cancer. Could it be there are more sheep lost than ever? And through the suffering of Christ's servants on earth, the lost sheep are being found?

During the hard days of mothering my brood, I offer up the sacrifices of those "living hell" moments of kids screaming all at one time, a seven hour drive by myself with three toddlers, sleepless and grouchy days where all I want to do is run away.....I offer them up to the Lord and for the lost souls. Or sometimes I offer my hard day up for my children's salvation. Through suffering, when offered in prayer, can not only change our family's direction, but our world. This is the power of bearing the hard times of motherhood or any kind of cross for that matter.

This is just one of a thousand examples of the beauty and holiness of the vocation of motherhood. It is not just about making PBJ sandwiches, cleaning up spills, or changing diapers. This vocation is way more than that.....are work is eternal. Inside the home and out in the world souls are being saved one diaper at a time through the selfless acts of motherhood. Don't forget to offer your days up as a prayer....for the intentions of your family, a sick loved one or the lost sheep.

Blessings to you this Friday.

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