Monday, February 22, 2010


Gospel Reading today Mathew 16:13-19
"And so I tell you, Peter: you are a rock, and on this rock foundation I will build my church, and not even death will ever be able to overcome it." Mathew 16:18

Today in the Catholic church we celebrate, The Chair of Peter, which is the Pope of the Catholic Church. As I read the gospel today, we are like the "Pope of our homes". Mothers are the ROCK of their families. We set the mood of our homes. We dictacte what goes on throughout the day while our husbands make a living. We walk with our children every moment of their lives from the moment of conception into our death or our children's death. A mother's job is to build a strong foundation upon where she builds up her family for the Kingdom of God. If the foundation is not good, her family will not be good and fruitful. So how do we make sure this foundation is solid? By Fathers and Mothers teaching the faith diligently to their children and raising them up to be soldiers of Christ. With a mother's presence in their lives day in and day out, we are slowly but surely building something beautiful for the Kingdom of God....SOULS! So as Pope of our home, it is important to discern what God's will is for our lives each and every day. What things in your day, while raising your children, are of this world and not of God? Too much television? Lack of discipline? A negative or cold environment? This is why it is so important to be in daily prayer so the world doesn't take the "chair of your home". It is a battle of the chairs and through prayer you will keep your seat of being the pope of your home. Someday when you are in Heaven, you will see the beautiful cathedral that you slowly, painfully built each and every day of your life the moment you became a mother. Don't let someone else take the reigns in building your Cathedral. They will do as builders do today, cut corners and build your Church on rocky ground. Stand up and be the Pope of your family today. Don't stand for anything less than the absolute best for your family. Make sure the ground is rock solid in faith and the tools to build your church are purchased from Heaven, not the hardware store of this world.

Blessings to you this Monday!

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