Thursday, February 11, 2010


Gospel Reading today 7:24-30
"Blessed are they who observe justice, who do righteousness at all times!" Psalms 106:3-4

It is loving the Cross that one finds one heart, for Divine Love cannot live without suffering.-- St. Bernadette

I can't write much this morning as my children are up extra early and wanting to build a snowman at 6:10 AM. Lord, help me get through this day!
It seems everywhere I turn, people are going through such hard times. I have come to realize there is just not alot you can say to console a person when they are in the "trenches". I think it really is between them and God. However, if you are going through a hard time right now, I encourage you to listen to I just listened to the recent post about why people go through hard times. Deacon Tim from upstate NY will explain some of the reasons people go through hard times and how to discern which reason might be causing you such grief. One of the thoughts that I thought was interesting, as we all chase worldly success, is that he said God might keep you from having a successful career to protect you from a deadly disease called Pride. We live in a world where the top self-help books are preachers preaching on "Live your Best Life", which is preaching that God wants you to be financially successful and God wants your life to be blissful. This is a dangerous way of thinking because it sets you up for feeling like a failure in God's eyes. All God cares about is your Great Conversion and getting you to Heaven. And alot of times, great conversions take place through hard times. Which means, through your hard times you are achieving eternal success. The only thing I have been told over and over by reading scripture and listening to amazing faith leaders such as Father Corapi and Father Robert Barron is that hard times produce great faith. This life on earth is so short and it really all boils down to your path to heaven. Hard times is when God is at His greatest work in you. That is why all of the saints suffered greatly....because through hard times, a person shares the cross of Christ which draws you nearer and nearer to Jesus. As you look back at the "old you", don't you see a "better you" through your struggles? This is proof that God is at work making your life more fruitful and prosperous in Heaven's sight.

Off to bundle my kids up to go play in the it only 6:30 AM?

Blessings to you this Thursday!

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