Monday, August 31, 2009


Reading from Sunday Mass
"Be Doers of the word and not hearers only, deluding yourselves." James 1:22

As mothers, we are constantly telling our children to be nice, stop pushing, show love to their sibling, stop whining, finish your plate of healthy food, obey your mother and father, no more TV for the day, and the list goes on. Everyday we are trying to do our best in raising our children and helping them to be GOOD. At the same time, we are tired from being up at night, mentally strained from the constant care, worried about our husbands career, frantically trying to keep the house straight, running on coffee and crackers...... I find myself telling them to use their quiet voice and then screaming out of frustration later that day or stop whining and then I find myself whining about how tired I am or how tough motherhood is. How can we teach our children all of the goodness of the world if we don't live it? We are all human and we sure don't need to be too hard on ourselves but at the same time we have to remember the helper and leader we have in Jesus. Jesus tells us in scripture to work for food that doesn't spoil, to trust in him, to not worry, to rest in him and give him our burdens, to be joyful and love one another as He loves us. In order to practice what we preach, we have to give our day to the Lord and find him in prayer, in adoration of the blessed sacrament, in the rosary, in scripture, in nature, in our children's eyes. Then we can practice what we preach because Jesus will be guiding us and helping us to live as he has called us to live. By spending time with Jesus, He will refill our empty vessels so we can in turn pour life giving water back into our families.

So rest in the arms of Jesus today. Don't try to go about mothering alone. Taking care of your children will be so much more fruitful if you take care of yourself spiritually, mentally and physically first. The world tells us we can "be all and do ", but those are the empty promises of the world that leaves us broken and spirtually dry. Live for the Spirit and not the ways of the world! God Bless your Monday!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Feast day of St. Augustine

Readings in masses today:
"For you yourselves have been taught by God to love one another." 1 Thessalonians 4:9
Psalm 97:1-2,5-6,10-12
Mathew 25:1-13

This morning has been a crazy morning and I have not been able to have my time with the Lord. If you get a chance today, read about St. Augustine and the powerful prayers of his mother, St. Monica. Have a blessed day!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Be the Mother you are called to be TODAY

Feast Day of St. Monica- Patron Saint of Christian Mothers
Daily Gospel Reading:
"Therefore, stay awake! For you do not know on which day your Lord will come." Mathew 24:42

Death is part of life.....we all have to face it someday. So why do we live for tomorrow? I find myself sometimes thinking, "when we are more financially stable, then I will give more to the church" or "I will become more devout in my faith when my children are older" and I have had several mothers tell me that they don't make it to mass very often because it is just too hard with little ones but when the children get older THEN they will start going to Mass regularly.

We are called to be the person we were meant to be TODAY. The mother God had designed for us to be, the wife we yearn to be, the friend we need to be. For we really do not know if today is our last day on earth. That is why the Lord calls us to "stay awake". Our children need us to be a good, loving, patient, gentle mother to them today. They need us to be present in their lives today.....don't put off being there for them in a few years, but be there for them heart and soul TODAY. Then, if you meet Jesus tomorrow, you will know you gave it your all and He will say "Well done my good and faithful servant." However, to be the best mother we can be today, we have to offer our day up to the Lord and walk with him in everything we do. He will give you the grace, the patience, and His love to endure the challenging days of raising these little souls for Heaven. Below is a prayer that I say every morning as well as a morning offering prayer. Try saying one of these prayers everyday and you will start seeing a change in your crazy days of mothering. God Bless you today!

"Dear Lord Jesus,
I give you these hands today (offer up your hands). Transform them into yours. Help me to love as you would love, discipline as you would discipline, serve as you would serve. Help me to be the mother you have called me to be today and everyday. I love you. Amen"

"O Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer You the prayers, works, joys and sufferings of this day, for all the intentions of Your Sacred Heart in union with the Holy Sacrafice of the Mass throughout the world, in reparation for my sins, and for the intentions of the Holy Father. Amen.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


The reading in Masses all around the world today:
"But we were gentle when we were with you, like a mother taking care of her children." Thessalonians 2:7

As St. Paul spoke to the people of Thessalonians, he described he and his disciples caring for them as a mother who takes care of her children. "Gentle. Humble. Pure". He speaks how they "encouraged and comforted the people and urged them to live the kind of life that pleases God". The desciples "worked day and night to preach the Good News of God".

So as you can see in chapter 2 of Thessalonians, the desciples compare all of their works and virtues to a mother taking care of her children. Amazing! It is right in front of our eyes in scripture the beautiful virtues a woman is given when she gives life into the world. We are natural care-takers, encouragers, gentle (not always!), comforters, hard workers....and the list of virtues go on. How blessed we are to grow closer in christ and be given these heavenly virtues from our Lord by becoming mothers. These are some of the many examples of why the Vocation of Motherhood is your greatest work on earth and your ticket to heaven. There is no greater work you can do in your lifetime than to gently, humbly, joyfully and lovingly care for your families. Your hard, sometimes grueling, work might not pay well financially but your works are priceless in Heaven's eyes.

So today, remember you are spoken about in scripture....the desciples speak of what you are doing today and everyday! That should for sure give us a kick in our step today!

Monday, August 24, 2009


Gospel Reading from Sunday, August 23rd.
"Many of the followers heard this and said, 'This teaching is too hard'." John 6:60

Life is hard. There is no doubt about that. It is so much easier to take the lazy road in life or the road that the world paves in gold but dead ends. As mothers, taking the easy road is not always best for your family. Being called to the vocation of Motherhood is a challenging call but by following God's Will for you and devoting your life to your family, you will recieve Eternal rewards in the end. How much easier it is to not discipline your children like you should or eat out everynight instead of cooking a meal and sitting down at the dinner table together as family or finding fullfillment outside your home and family. Just as Jesus's followers decided the road to eternal life was too hard, we have to make the decision to grin and bear it and be the mother and wife Jesus calls us to be, which is the road to self donation and love. Or we can decide His way is too hard for us and take the easy road of selfishness and pride where we find empty promises in the end. Why do we women today think we need to be "pampered" all the time? Look at the women who have gone before us.....they were strong, tough, wise. There was no pampering for them. They did their job without complaining and we reep the benifts from their hard work. The path to Heaven is not paved with pampering and luxury, the tougher the better because that means God is at great work in you.

So if you find yourself today, tomorrow or next week thinking how hard motherhood is and how sacrificing financially, physically, or mentally is too much, think of Jesus and the words of Eternal Life. "What gives life is God's spirit; man's power is of no use at all." John 6:63 Giving your life to your family is giving your life to Jesus. It is not always the easy road but it is the path that brings amazing rewards.

God Bless you this Monday!

Thursday, August 20, 2009


I have been at my family's ranch this week. The ranch I grew up on and the place I love so dear. I am the fourth generation of this little slice of heaven. My soul is connected to my ancestors that settled this place over one hundered years ago. Wide open spaces, big blue skies, fresh crisp air and beautiful sunsets is just a faint description of this heartland I will always call "home". We have had a wonderful week and tomorrow I start on my journey back home.....a seven hour trip with three little ones, please pray for me!

I will start posting reflections on monday. The only internet access on the ranch is at the "Beef Barn", which is 6 miles from where I am staying, so that is the reason I have not been able to continue posting this week. What a blessing it is from our Lord Jesus to spend time with our precious families and to journey back to the place where our souls were nurtured and developed.

Friday, August 14, 2009


"Mary set out and traveled to the hill country in haste to a town of Judah, where she entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth." Luke 1:39-40

As mothers, we are like the modern day Mary and Elizabeth, as we gather together as mothers and friends. When I greet a friend who is carrying a baby in her womb, I have a feeling like no other. I love to pat her back or put my hand on her belly because I am so drawn to the life inside of her. Only mothers understand the connection we have to one another of bringing life into this world, for it is the most beautiful act that has been given to us. What a priveledge we have as women. Seeing a woman carrying life inside of them is a glimpse of heavenly light. For the Holy Spirit has breathed life in her womb and we are touched by the Holy Spirit by just being in her precense.

As Mary and Elizabeth had that sacred moment together in the "Visitation", so do we in this day and age when we get together with other mothers. And we are called to do our best to raise a little Jesus and a little John. Our greatest work is to raise souls that will proclaim the gospel and live a life nothing short of goodness and love. What a task we have before.....anything is possible with God!

Assumption of the Virgin Mary Feast Day to our Blessed Mother! Aug. 15th
Mass at Good Shepherd 7:00 PM tonight or 10 :00AM tomorrow morning

Thursday, August 13, 2009


"No sooner had these priestly bearers of the ark waded into the waters at the edge of the Jordan....than the waters flowing from upstream halted...Thus the People crossed over opposite Jericho." Joshua 3:15-16

We are reminded today through the daily scripture of God's amazing power. I am taken back just thinking that this is the same God who is leading us in our vocation of motherhood. Every bit of the design of your family is from this same God who parted the Red Sea. So why do we get scared, frustrated, unsure..? Because we are human. But being in daily prayer with our Heavenly Father will help us become more aware of His loving, powerful precense in our lives. He is constantly with us and leading us to be the best Mothers we can be, all we have to do is walk with him everyday in prayer and thanksgiving to realize His miraculous power.

Today, rest in His all powerful precense. He is at this very moment parting the "Red Sea" for us and leading us through any difficulties, fears and uncertanties. Imagine your family walking hand and hand with Jesus as your leader across the bottom of the sea with water on either side of you. Whatever darkness is chasing you, know it will be washed away behind you with God's power. He is truly our Father of our families. Be at peace.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


The greatest in the kingdom is the one who humbles himself and becomes like a child. And whoever welcomes in my name one such child as this, welcomes me." Mathew 18-4-5

We have pure Heaven in our midst every day in our blessed we are as Mothers to recieve such purity and love from God's hands. Although some days it might seem more like "hell", we are reminded in this verse today that by welcoming children, we welcome Jesus. I get the biggest kick from watching my children get excited over the smallest, simplest things in life; like a blue sucker from the bank, a piece of bubble gum from the store, new markers to color with and how can I forget sprinkles on their would think Disneyland just arrived on our front doorstep! I always think to myself, "oh, if life was really that simple". But Jesus tells us we are to learn from these simple minded, innocent children in our midst. They have no worries, they take joy out of the simple things in life, they yearn for our love and our precense, they are excited and greatful to be alive. This is how the Lord calls us to live our life.
So the next time you find yourself stressed out, just dance around the living room with your children to "Mama Mia" and dance like no one is watching! Or get down on the floor and play trucks for awhile like you use to when you were a child.....the laundry can wait. As we are the first teachers of our children, they can be teachers for us. Let us try learning from them today and take a deep breath and know the Lord is always present in our life, especially in our children. Relax and have fun with these silly little angels from Heaven!
God Bless your day!

Monday, August 10, 2009


"Remember that the person who plants few seeds will have a small crop; the one who plants many seeds will have a large crop. Each one should give, then, as he has decided, not with regret or out of a sense of duty; for God loves the one who gives gladly. And God is able to give you more than you need, so that you will always have all you need for yourselves and more than enough for every good cause." 2 Corinthians 9:6-10

As I was walking into Albertson's yesterday with Anna Claire (my one year old) on my hip, I was reminded how God always provides and how His Will is so amazing. The last time I had been at that particular grocery store was the morning I walked into that store with a 2 year old and a 10 month old scared, shaking and worried I was pregnant. As I put Ben and Clementine in the shopping cart, I headed towards the bakery first to get Ben a chocolate donut and then frantically went towards the pregnancy test section. I grabbed a test and walked directly to the bathroom (I realize now I should have paid for it first). As I was tinkling on a stick, I looked up to see my 2 year old with chocolate donut all over his face any my 10 month old was smiling. I thought to myself "I can not be pregnant." To make a long story short, the test was positive and I cried all the way home. But God's plan and His will for our lives was so much more than we could have ever imagined. I somehow have plunged through the trying times of being pregnat while chasing toddlers and life with three, three and under. But Anna Claire has brought us sheer joy. We can not imagine our life without her....our family would be so incomplete.

God continues to amaze me with how he always provides exactly what we need. In my circumstance it was the gift of life, but some might being feeling broken hearted through a loss of loved one, loss of a job, or loss of hearing (which I have also experienced with my son, Ben). Whatever it is, we need to be reminded that God WILL provide for all your needs and He will see you through whatever circumstance you did not choose for your life. When we step out of our comfort zone, that is when God does His greatest work. And as mothers, we can rest in knowing our Good Shepherd takes us by the hand and leads us. We don't have to walk alone. "He will carry the lambs in His arms and gently lead their mothers."

So as you give to your family all that you have, remember God will give you in abundance all you need to keep on giving and working towards Eternal Life.

Friday, August 7, 2009


"If anyone wants to come with me, he must forget himself, carry his cross, and follow me. For whoever wants to save his own life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. Will a person gain anything if he wins the whole world but loses his life? Of course not! There is nothing he can give to regain his life."

I love this verse and how it contradicts our selfish world. I personally gain so much insight from this verse on motherhood. The world says for you to leave your home, leave your children to find self worth and gain your life back. But this scripture point blank says the only way to save your life is to live selflessly and there is no greater act of giving of self than motherhood. How foolish is our tells us women to "win the whole world" by having money to look fabulous with boob jobs, tummy tucks, fancy clothes and shoes, a fabulous home, nannies, spa treatments and the list goes on. And our King who was born of poor parents, became a carpenter, suffered the worst death we can imagine all for us. For He tells us that we will LOOSE our life if we are selfish and focused on gaining worldly success.

So today, tomorrow or next week if you are having that moment where you feel ugly, worthless, and that motherhood/homemaking is sucking the life out of you and you have "lost" yourself, remember this wise verse and that you are gaining more than you can imagine in Heaven's eyes. For you are wise in thinking of eternity and the high place in heaven you will receive when you leave this life. When you think of meeting Jesus your probably don't long to hear, "you looked so fabulous in your life on earth, you made so much money, your home was out of magazine, your cars were always top of the line, your hair was always so stylish, your Nanny did an amazing job with your children, botox was a good choice, way to go my daughter." Instead, by giving your life for your family we all will hopefully hear, "Well done my good and faithful servant. For you gave up yourself for me. For you cared for me day in and day out through mothering my children and taking care of my son (your husband). Enter into the gates of Heaven."

So today, look deep in your heart and find out what is consuming your daily thoughts. Is it from the Lord or from the world? Whatever it is, bring your focus and energy back to the heart of of your self the best you can to gain eternal life. So as you are giving sippy cups of milk, comforting a crying baby, putting a bandaid on a scraped knee, stirring nourishment for your family at the stove, welcoming your huband with open arms after a long day, bask in the Heavenly light that shines upon you at that very moment for giving up your own life to save it.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Teaching our children to experience Heaven on Earth

"Jesus was transfigured before them, and his clothes became dazzling white....Then a cloud, casting a shadow over them. Mark 9:2-3,7

How can we teach our children to experience Heaven while they are here on earth? How can we teach them to see Jesus in others and the all of the celestial court in church with us in our homes? Every morning when my children get up, they come and sit on my lap in my "prayer room".....a formal sitting room where I have a table with a statue of the Blessed Mother, a picture of our ancestors, a crucifix and a prayer candle. They sit in my lap and say "Morning, Jesus. Morning, Blessed Mother." Sometimes they will grab the crucifix and kiss Jesus's hands and feet...his ouchies. While in church, I picture beautiful Angels flying and singing above us and I see "look at the Angels!". And when the Eucharist is transformed into the Body and Blood of Christ, I picture Jesus coming down from Heaven, with His peirced hands and feet and standing next to the priest. He is present for us to recieve Him and be nourished spiritually, mentally and physically. When we are heading up to communion, I say "let's go see Jesus!" This might all sound crazy, but it helps me to see Heaven here on earth. I truly believe and we have been told that Heaven is among us......the Blessed Mother is there with us in the middle of the night when we are rocking our babies and praying the rosary, Jesus is at the Kitchen sink with us when we ask Him for help to get through the day. Our loved ones who are now gone are here with us, praying for us and fully present in our lives. For the Communion of Saints are all of us here on earth, our loved ones in Heaven, Jesus and all of the angels and Saints united together in the Body and Blood of Christ.

So the next time you are having an ordinary day or your mind is drifiting off in Church, transfigure that moment into a glowing beautiful moment of Heaven truly present in your midst. And as we go about raising our children, maybe we can all help them start seeing heaven on earth and it will guide them in their decisions and actions if they know Jesus and all of the celestial court are right there by their side.

Have a blessed Thursday!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Confrontations with the Lord

"O woman, great is your faith!" Mathew 15:28

I don't like confrontations. I am more of a peacemaker, but sometimes you are put in a situation where you have to stand up or speak your mind. I think we will all agree that confrontations are not easy. The woman in today's scripture didn't truly know Jesus. She had only heard about him through reports of travelers passing through town, but she confronted Him anyway because she was desperate for Him to help her.

I have confronted Jesus angry or frustrated many times since I became a mother. After the birth of our third in three years...our little "surprise"baby, I have found myself in the trenches at times. I have cried out "Lord, I can't believe you thought I could do this! See, I am proving you wrong! I am not the mother you think I am !" I have also fallen to my knees in a pile of laundry when I thought I was losing my mind and cried out "Lord, are you going to help me out here or what?" Whether you walk with Jesus daily or not, He appreciates us confronting Him with questions, needs and help. He is there for us to help mother our children, all we have to do is cry out to anger, in love, in joyfulness and in tears. Great is our faith in his eyes if we only cry out to him.

So the next time you find yourself having a terrible day and you are not being the mother you were yesterday, cry out to the Lord and He will take your hand and lift you out of the dark cloud that is surrounding you at that very moment. He didn't give us these children and then say "Good Luck". These are His children we are caring for and He is right there by our side to lead us and direct us to bring these little souls back to Him for eternity.

Thank Heavens we have such divine help anytime we cry out!
Have a blessed Wednesday!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


"Give me wisdom that sits beside your throne; give me a place among your children. I am your servant, as was my mother before me. I am only human. I am not strong, and my life will be short." Wisdom of Solomon 9:4-5
"Send wisdom from the holy heavens, down from your glorious throne, so that she may work at my side, and I may learn what pleases you. She knows and understands everything, and will guide me intelligently in what I do." Wisdom 9:10-11

How amazing that we can grow in such heavenly wisdom through these little creatures that test our nerves and drive us absolutely crazy sometimes! Our children are nothing but God's greatest gift and saving grace for our souls. Through mothering our children, we have our Lord Jesus right next to us, guiding us and teaching us in our vocation of motherhood. Through the difficulities of motherhood, we gain His courage, patience, and enduring love that helps us persevere through the hard days and count our endless blessings. We learn to have a servants heart through becoming a mother, which is the greatest transformation of the heart that we can acheive.

So today, thanks be to God for these precious souls that are nurturing us just as much as we are nurturing them. They are our pathway to Heaven! Thanks be to God!

Have a wonderful Tuesday.....

Monday, August 3, 2009


"Do not work for food that spoils; instead, work for the food that lasts for eternal life." John 6:27

I have always loved this verse. Because my husband and I are in the food business, it is a reminder of why we are truly called. In the early days of our bakery business, I would hang this verse up in the kitchen as we were working 18-20 hour days and barely getting by. It was a reminder that we were not opening up a bakery business to make millions (although that would be great), we were working so hard to give to others our talents and gifts. Through the food that my husband slaved over, people were awed, touched, some in tears! Through my welcome arms into the bakery, people felt loved and important. It has been six years since we went into busienss for ourselves and I have a whole new respect for pioneers long ago. I believe we are the pioneers of the 21st century. The stress, worry, day to day struggles of starting a business from scratch and growing it is so unbelievably hard. We still struggle financially because our business is growing, which is a good problem, but if you let it it can take a toll on you. We make great sacrifices with me staying at home to "work for food that lasts for eternal life"....our children, while my husband continues to grow a heritage and legacy that can hopefully live on in future generations to come.

It is so easy to get side tracked on working for food that spoils....I would love a bigger home, a fancier, cleaner car, couture clothing and Clint dreams some day of being able to sit back as his business runs itself, but that is not what will make us happy and bring each other and our children to eternal life. What brings us contentment is the day to day struggles and peace in our hearts knowing that we are working for "food" that doesn't spoil and "food" that will live on.

So as we gathered around the dinner table last night, I truly was thankful for all we needed at that very moment. A roof over our head, food on the table and our love for each other. It was a great reminder of what really matters in life. So today, look at your precious children and your husband and be thankful for the food that will last forever. For as mothers, we work everyday for food that doesn't spoil.....our children that will live forever.